Season for Giving was originally produced as part of TIS's
One Act Play Series in December 1997
Dysfunctional Theatre Presents
A Very Dysfunctional Christmas
'Twas The Night Before Christmas
written by Paul Wells
directed by Adam Chamberlin
Roger | | Paul Wells |
Cheryl | | Jessica Klein |
Curtain rises on Christmas Eve, in a suburban living room somewhere in California.
Season For Giving
written and directed by Paul Wells
Homeless Man | | Bob Curren |
Muriel | | Jessica Klein |
Michael | | Steve Orlikowski |
Rent Boy | | Adam Chamberlin |
Matt | | Jamie Simmons |
Jerry | | Paul O'Halloran |
Albert | | James Ferazzi |
Curtain rises on Christmas Eve, at an ATM location in midtown Manhattan.
Technical Direction/Set and Lighting Design by Adam Chamberlin