The CAST (in order of appearance)
Skip Moore as Patrick Stewart, Herb Solow, Gary Lockwood,
Luke Skywalker (son of Anakin Skywalker), Harve Bennett, Little Billy & Stoner # 4
David Skigen as David Gerrold, Jeffrey Hunter, James Goldstone,
a Convention Geek, James Doohan, Charles Bludhorn, Michael Dorn & Stoner #1
Ken Simon as Bob Justman, William Shatner
(playing a Starship Captain), a Convention Geek, Darth Vader (a Sith Lord), Stoner #3
Theresa Goehring as DC Fontana, Laurel Goodwin,
a Convention Geek & Robert Wise
James Ferazzi as Leonard Maizlish, Desi Arnaz, Robert Butler,
Leonard Nimoy (playing a Vulcan), Moses, a Convention Geek, Doctor #2
Steven Orlikoski as Gene Roddenberry
Carrie Libling as Lucille Ball, Susan Oliver,
Elyse Rosenstein, Michael Eisner (pre Mouse), a Next Gen Writer, Doctor #3
Laura Lanaman as Majel Barrett, Gates McFadden,
Gary Nardino & Doctor #1
Amy Overman as Meg Wyllie (a Talosian Keeper),
Sally Kellerman, an Angel, a Convention Geek, Princess Leia (secretly Luke's sister),
Paramount, Paul Lynch & Stoner #2
10/20, 10/27 & 11/4 @ 10:30pm
Performances added
November 15, 16, 17 & 24 @ 8pm
November 18 & 25 @ 5pm