The Dysfunctional Theatre Company


by Rick Vorndran
Under St. Mark's Theater

November-December 2003

From the Show Business Weekly review by Christina Girardi: The Dysfunctional Theater Company's production of Please Please Please Love Me is outrageous fun -- please go and see it! The show features the zany experiences of two couples after they break up and date other people. Although at times over the top, the cast of eight does a fabulous job depicting a mixture of off-the-wall and mythical characters, such as high-strung flirting-seminar presenters and the legendary Casanova, complete with opened brocade vest, invoked during a ouija board session.
Complete PDF of this review

Complete text of the NYTheatre review
Complete PDF of NY Theatre review

Directed by Jason Unfried
Assistant Director: Claudia Cahill
Light & Set Design: Jason Unfried
Sound Design: Rick Vorndran
Costume Designer: Theresa Goehring
Graphic Designer: Alexander Gradet
Tech Operation: Cory Plowman

Fred DeReau: Steve/Casanova
Jennifer Gill: Nina/Joan of Arc/Nanette
Chris Catalano: Larry/NPR Announcer
Amy Overman: Linda/ Queen Elizabeth I/NPR Announcer
Theresa Goehring: Angela/Allison/"Whatever" Sally
Kevin T. Collins: Dave Reddelman/French Servant/Josh
Jennifer Jill White: Rose/Ms. Albrecht/Jennifer
Robert Brown: Chuck the Virgin/Jack/Jerry

For additional information: HorseTRADE Theater Group